Mark Hoffenscher
Dornbirn, 11.2.2014, 10:00
Interview: Wolfgang Fiel
Camera and audio: Gerhard Klocker
Production: Denizhan Fiel
German (61 min, HD)
English (3 min, Voiceover)
Born in 1976 in St Gallen, Switzerland. Raised in Dornbirn, he studied architecture at the University of Applied Arts Vienna and The Bartlett at University College London. In 2000, together with Alexander Diem, he founded the k[raft syndicate. In the period up until 2005, he worked at Eichinger Offices in Vienna and established the architecture firm Hoffenscher Architekten in Dornbirn in 2007. Since then, he was worked independently as an architect in Vorarlberg, Germany, and Vienna.